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John Watson Book

John Watson Srangers Sojourn Split Book Cover

I am a big fan of Woody Guthrie’s book, “Bound for Glory” written in 1943, which had a movie version of the book, with David Carradine portraying Woody during the dust bowl era.

The main part of my book, Stranger’s Sojourn, is an adventure taking place in 1975 during my six month travels across Canada, down the west coast of the U.S.A., hitchhiking all the way, and taking a freight train across the desert from Beaumont, California, to El Paso, Texas. Then I headed down through Mexico and finally Guatemala, where I was two years previously. I came across many fascinating people with their stories and anecdotes.

I also deal with my past, growing up with the environment of domestic violence and drug and alcohol addiction, and how I have been able to turn my life around.

I talk about my passion for music and poetry, and how my creative outlets sheltered me from my destructive lifestyle.
In the epilogue, I express my views on Native culture, and how my Native spirit guide has enriched my life.

Lastly, I deal with my relationship with my mother, who was the greatest inspiration and love in my life.

“The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.”

– Mark Twain

Click here to download the color images from my book. –book images


Book Reviews:

Austin Macauley Review

Brian Stavert

I’m amazed at your adventures John, so far from home, no one but your self to depend on and so often so little money. I’m amazed you’re still alive with all the drugs and alcohol and sketchy people you met. Your thoughts and fears and aspirations are vivid insights into your nature that comes to life on every page.

And so many good stories and good people along the way. Your insights and observations of people and places, your thoughts and reactions to the things around you shaped your own personal sojourn of self discovery.

I’m glad no matter how things turned out, that you got to share part of that journey with your brother Ian who had been my best friend once upon a time.

This is very much a travelogue, a road trip, a sojourn of self discovery. I’ve known John for over 60 years, from our shared childhood in the late 50s up until the 70s. Our paths have only crossed less than half a dozen times in the last four decades, yet every time we connected with each other is as comfortable and as easy as if we had talked just yesterday.

An outstanding story which I enjoyed reading. So many details and adventures that take you to beautiful and magical places, making you travel back in the 1970’s.

Charles Dufty

Great tale. Myriad of emotions as I read. You really bared your soul and put yourself out there.

John Watson

Just call me Johnny come lately! I started out writing poetry at the age of twelve, and by 21 I was fully in the music scene.

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