In June, 2001, George W. Bush and Vladimir Putin ended their face-to-face meeting with an outdoor news conference beneath a craggy mountaintop in Slovania.

“Is this a man that Americans can trust?” asked a reporter, while Putin glared at him and Bush replied, “Yes…I looked him in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue. I was able to get a sense of his soul, a man deeply committed to his country and the best interests of his country. I wouldn’t have invited him to my ranch if I didn’t trust him.”

This is the same president who said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, which was a lie. As despicable as Hussein was, he kept Al Qaeda at bay, and after the invasion of Iraq, the vacuum allowed Isis and other fanatical groups to emerge. It was a terrible military blunder and miscalculation on Bush’s part, and after, a civil war ensued. The senseless carnage of American personnel in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan came in at 7,000 dead American servicemen and women, and 31, 994 wounded in Iraq alone. 387,072 civilians have died since wars in post war 9/11 in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Syria. Twenty-two American servicemen and women die each day of suicide due to PTSD. The American national deficit from the Iraqi war all in ballooned to six trillion dollars, and the economy has never recovered since; now over thirty trillion in debt and rising.

The war in Iraq started in March of 2003. On May 1, President Bush landed on the USS Abraham Lincoln in the co-pilot’s seat of a Navy fighter jet, appearing as a conquering hero. Bush was actually a draft dodger during the war in Vietnam.

Bush called Operation Iraqi Freedom “A job well done. Major combat operations in Iraq have ended.” The banner hovering over him read, “Mission Accomplished.”

In 2018 after Bush’s image had been rehabilitated for many years from the blunder of the Iraqi war that was enacted under false pretences, (weapons of mass destruction) President Biden awarded Bush and his wife Laura the Liberty Medal for their commitment to veterans after he racked up the national debt, and started a war that could never be won. (Like North Korea and Viet Nam) And Bush gets a medal for this; I don’t get it.

How do you think Iraq looks like today economically, and culturally, almost twenty years later? – Not very good. Afghanistan is even worse with the total takeover of the Taliban. They simply walked in after President Biden cut his losses.

Have you noticed that Stephen Miller, a senior advisor to Donald Trump has disappeared from the fracas over the January 6 insurrection enquiry, which amounted to treason on Trump’s part ?  – Very clever and self-preserving. Donald Trump, the stable genius, (I picture him working in a stable shovelling horse shit) has perpetrated the lies about the election being stolen. This man is a blatant coward and pathological liar, fomenting the angry disenfranchised masses to achieve his own selfish, self-serving and perverted ends.

The irony here is that when he defeated Hilary Clinton by a margin of 304 Electoral College votes to 227, Trump boasted it was a landslide victory. Hilary Clinton won the popular vote by 2.87 million votes. How many votes did he lose to President Biden? – 306 to 232, so that must be a landslide loss by Trump’s own estimation.

Trump, the guy who silenced a porn queen before the elections, was merely a puppet to Stephen Bannon and others. Bannon was the former White House chief strategist, who Trump stated, “When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind,” after a tumultuous seven months as chief strategist.

Steve Bannon is another evil incarnate; a puppet master. Bannon has no regard for the democratic process, and uses propaganda like any authoritarian to gain power by deception. He wants to torch the right wing of the Republican Party and dismantle democracy as we know it. He quoted in one of his podcasts, “We’re taking over all the elections.” He may as well be a fascist, and if you read the book by Jim Marrs, “The Rise Of The Fourth Reich,” it reveals the truth about American power behind the scenes.

If you look at Bannon’s face, you see cracks beginning to appear, with his bloodshot eyes, and cherry-red nose. He is a hardened despot, craving for power. He is the American Rasputin. Enjoy your four months in jail for being a traitor to American democracy!

A former banker turned film producer and right-wing polemicist, Bannon has praised Russian President Vladimir Putin’s brand of Russian mystical conservative nationalism known as Eurasianism, which is the closest the Kremlin has to a state ideology. Eurasianism proclaims that Russia’s destiny is to lead all Slavic and Turkic people in a grand empire to resist corrupt Western values.

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Bannon’s fix for the world is to revive the nation-state – precisely what Putin’s Kremlin is promoting as it backs anti–European Union candidates from Hungary to France. “I happen to think that the individual sovereignty of a country is a good thing and a strong thing,” Bannon told an audience of Catholic thinkers at the Vatican in 2014. “Putin is standing up for traditional institutions, and he’s trying to do it in a form of nationalism.” Bannon reportedly (The Daily Beast 2016/08/22) described himself as a “Leninist” who wants to “destroy the state.”

Then there’s the treasonous Tucker Carlson. Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is entirely indefensible, which is why Russia has been working overtime to spread disinformation about its efforts to take over another country. Whereas people with access to real news and facts understand that Putin is simply a megalomaniac who doesn’t care how many civilians he has to murder in order to further his imperial ambitions. – Also part of Putin’s strategy – Using Tucker Carlson’s pro-Russia bullshit as propaganda. (Vanity Fair March 14/22)